Product Roadmap
Q1 2024
Launch of B2B MVP
Objective Introduce the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the Business-to-Business (B2B) platform, focusing on providing essential features for both Waste Management Organizations (WMOs) and Businesses.
Key Milestones
- B2B Interface (Marketplace) Design and Development
- Blockchain Integration
- PoC Testing
- Go Live
Q2 2024
Launch of Consumer Participant App
Objective Promote the ecosystem and the company’s broader vision by targeting eco-conscious consumers or participants. Encourage good behavior through initiatives like Plant to Earn and Collect to Earn.
Key Milestones
- Consumer App Design and Development
- Collect to Earn Model
- Plant to Earn Model
- Community Engagement Features
Disclaimer: The outlined roadmap is subject to change based on ongoing development, feedback, and evolving project requirements. Timelines provided are estimations and may be adjusted to ensure the delivery of a high-quality, secure, and user-friendly product.